Anglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry
Anglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry Anglo-Saxon Epic Poetry, also known as Anglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry, consists of lengthy poems that tell the story of a hero's life in an impersonal manner, with a web of side stories centered on the major meetings.The whole epic Beowulf as well as many epic pieces like Waldhere, The Battle at Finnesburh, and Widsth are among the heroic poetry that have been passed down to us. Despite its heroic connotations, The Lament of Deor (also known as Deor's Lament) can also be considered an elegy dtoI its solemn tone Beowulf With three thousand one hundred and eighty-two lines, this epic poem narrates the tale of the regal Geatish warrior Beowulf. The Story With a group of ferocious fighters, Beowulf sets sail for Denmark and slays Grendel, the monster that has been bothering Danish King Hrothgar. In her quest for vengeance, Grendel's mother suffers the same fate. Beowulf rules the Geats as their king for fifty years. He kills a fire-breathing dragon in his...