
Showing posts from October, 2023

Anglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry

  Anglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry Anglo-Saxon Epic Poetry, also known as Anglo-Saxon Heroic Poetry, consists of lengthy poems that tell the story of a hero's life in an impersonal manner, with a web of side stories centered on the major meetings.The whole epic Beowulf as well as many epic pieces like Waldhere, The Battle at Finnesburh, and Widsth are among the heroic poetry that have been passed down to us. Despite its heroic connotations, The Lament of Deor (also known as Deor's Lament) can also be considered an elegy dtoI its solemn tone Beowulf With three thousand one hundred and eighty-two lines, this epic poem narrates the tale of the regal Geatish warrior Beowulf. The Story With a group of ferocious fighters, Beowulf sets sail for Denmark and slays Grendel, the monster that has been bothering Danish King Hrothgar. In her quest for vengeance, Grendel's mother suffers the same fate. Beowulf rules the Geats as their king for fifty years. He kills a fire-breathing dragon in his...


  Anglo-Saxon Lyric Poetry The subjectivity of the Anglo-Saxon people's lifestyle—their bravery, seafaring, hunting, paganism, love of nature, etc.—is the main theme of Anglo-Saxon lyric poetry. Lamenting loss and death is a common topic in Anglo-Saxon elegy poetry. Similar to lyric poetry, elegy also expresses the poet's innermost thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Among the well-known lyric and elegiac poems from the Old English or Anglo-Saxon era are Wulf and Eadmacer, The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Wife's Lament, and The Husband's Message. Among the well-known lyric and elegiac poems from the Old English or Anglo-Saxon era are Wulf and Eadmacer, The Wanderer, The Seafarer, The Wife's Lament, and The Husband's Message. The Wanderer  It is a 115-line elegy written by an unidentified Anglo-Saxon poet. It is a young man's grief for his deceased master. The Wonderer journeys aboard a ship, by herself and without companions, in search of a place of safety and ...

Why Is Poetry Important?

  Why Is Poetry Important? Poetry has been a part of art for many ages. Poetry has the power to uplift and narrate tales.Poetry, according to a number of well-known writers and poets, is among the most significant forms of expression available.Then why is poetry such a big deal? These are only a handful of the numerous explanations. Poetry Can Help You Communicate Your Feelings and Thoughts Poetry has the ability to move our emotions and thinkers. Poetry can facilitate catharsis and healthy self-expression.It can provide us with a secure, nonjudgmental channel for our emotions and assist us in communicating how we're feeling.Another excellent technique to work out our feelings and ideas regarding trying times in life is to write poetry.Poetry is also a fantastic method to establish a connection with people who could be experiencing similar things. We frequently feel a strong connection and may relate to the experiences of others when we read or hear someone else's poetry.This m...


HUMAN LANGUAGE  Speech that has been codified into language. Grammar is the framework of a language, and vocabulary is its free-form components. Humans typically use languages to convey themselves visually, vocally, or in writing.There are writing systems in many languages, including the most widely spoken ones, that enable the recording of sounds or signals for later activation.Human language is not exclusively transmitted through one channel, like sight or sound, and it changes significantly through time and among societies. Human languages are productive and displacing and depend on social convention and education. PROPERTIES OF HUMAN LANGUAGE Although there are many different languages, they are all made possible by the same genetic information, which is processed by the brain in the same manner. They all share fundamental "design elements" and functional characteristics.  For  instance,  whereas  different  languages  use  a  varie...


PHYSICAL ADAPTATION SOURCE  Instead of looking at types of sounds as the source of human speech, we can look at the types of physical features humans possess, especially those that are distinct from other creatures, which may have been able to support speech production. We can start with the observation that, at some early stage, our ancestors made a very significant transition to an upright posture, with bipedal (on two feet) locomotion, and a revised role for the front limbs.Some effects of this type of change can be seen in physical differences between the skull of a gorilla and that of a Neanderthal man from around 60,000 years ago. The reconstructed vocal tract of a Neanderthal suggests that some consonant-like sound distinctions would have been possible. We have to wait until about 35,000 years ago for features in reconstructions of fossilized skeletal structures that begin to resemble those of modern humans. In the study of evolutionary development, there are certain ph...

characteristics of culture

CULTURE  Definition: culture refer to beliefs, values, norms and material things shared by member of a group is called culture. CHARACTERISTICS OF CULTURE Culture is learned: Culture is not passed down naturally; rather, it is taught by man in a society.It is not a natural predisposition, but one that man picks up via social interaction.drinking, eating, dressing, walking, behaving, reading are all learnt by man.  Culture is shared: Culture is a common experience. Nothing that a person can pass but is shared by the local populace of an area.As an illustration, man shares common ideals, beliefs, and rituals in social settings. All people share these attitudes and behaviors. Culture is transmitted : Culture has the potential to be passed down from one generation to the next. Parents pass on cultural qualities to their offspring, who in turn pass them on to their offspring and son.It is passed down through language rather than genes. Communication through language is a way for cu...


 1) ALLITERATION Alliteration is a literary style where there is repetition of the initial consonants in a series of words. As well as tongue twisters, alliteration is used in poems, song lyrics, and band names and slogans. Example:  She sells seashells down by the seashore. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled. 2) ALLUSION Allusion is when the writer alludes or refers to an event, character or thing from another book within their own story , or a societal or political reference , for example, in order to emphasize a connection. For example: He is nothing but a Judas (showing the negative trails of betrayal and deceit) 3) EUPHEMISM Euphemism is a more polite or indirect words expression to replace one through to be too blunt or harsh when talking about something upsetting, unpleasant or embarrassing.  For example: Letting someone go = someone being fired. Met their maker = a person has died. 4) HOMOPHONE Homophone are words that are pronounced the sane way but spelt diffe...


 ORIGIN OF LANGUAGE: No  one knows exactly when or how human beings come up with spoken language.One hypothesis is that language began between 100,000 and 50,000 years ago with the advent of modern man, i-e homo sapiens.This is well before the invention of the written language , about 5,000 years ago. We have direct evidence and artifacts about writing. Origin of language is a natural sound and interaction with one another. Everything has a starting point. Language has a beginning, just like stories, people, and perhaps even time do.Where and when did human language begin to develop, though? When it comes to the history of language, what is the tale?This has long been a contentious subject of discussion among scholars since it is both highly fascinating to consider and much more fascinating to learn about its roots. Travel through time with us as our Day Translations blog explores the origins of The development of language and human communication.  THEORIES ON THE ORIGIN ...


 HISTORICAL AND SCIENCE FICTION:  Generally speaking, science fiction is set in the far or near future, whereas historical fiction is set in, well, history. Though some science fiction books and stories are set in the past, most of them contain some kind of time travel. Stories in historical fiction are set in well-defined, primarily true historical eras that may or may not be historically accurate, depending on the author's whims and research skills.A couple of examples that come to mind are Lindsay Davis’ Marcus Didius Falco books, a detective series set in ancient Rome, or Barbara Hambly’s Benjamin January series, which takes place in mid-nineteenth century New Orleans and environs. Science fiction asks ‘what if’ questions, based on current or near future technology, or imagined far future tech, and solves problems with science, or at least with hand-wavium, imaginary science.You're aware. Computer chips in your brain, encounters with extraterrestrial life, and dilithi...

Phonetic transcription

PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION: A linguistic method known as phonetic transcription uses a set of written symbols to represent the sounds of spoken language.Phonetic transcription strives for accuracy in capturing the actual sounds made when words are uttered, in contrast to standard spelling, which sometimes misses pronunciation subtlety. In this system, symbols are assigned to individual speech sounds, known as phonemes. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is the most widely used set of symbols for phonetic transcription, offering a standardized and comprehensive way to represent the diverse array of sounds found in human languages. Listening intently to spoken words and dissecting them into their individual phonetic components are essential steps in the transcribing process.s. For example, the word “phone” might be transcribed as /foʊn/, with each symbol corresponding to a specific sound.The square brackets or slashes around the transcription distinguish it from regular spelling, sign...

Undermining justice:The perils of political interference in Pakistan Judicial System

Undermining Justice: The perils of Political Interference in Pakistan Judicial System In the realm of democracy, an independent judiciary stands tall as the guardian of justice, ensuring equal protection of the law for all citizens. Impartial judicial system is the backbone of the nation's governance ensuring the rule of law and fundamental of Justice. However, for a very long time, I mean many decades, the judicial system of Pakistan is facing political interference which has caused severe risks to the democratic values of the world's 5th largest populated nation and undermines the public trust in the judiciary's ability to deliver a fair verdict. Pakistan has a troubling history of judicial activism, with notable instances like the Molvi Tamizuddin case in 1954. In this case, Chief Justice Muhammad Munir and four other judges controversially upheld the dissolution of the legislative assembly by Governor General Ghulam Mohammad, leading to widespread concerns about polit...

How to use punctuation

PUNCTUATION: Historical Background : The idea of good punctuation as good to crucial writing, a fact recognized outside the legal profession  has only just begun to be acknowledge within the legal words.Traditional lawyers have drafted with little or no punctuation until the mid of 19th century. acts of parliament were were  deliberately passed unpunctuated  in the interest of precision.However research by legal academic writers suggests that punctuation can be found in the earliest of statutes, albeit erratic in its application. MODERN JUDICIAL INTERPRETATION: The case for ignoring punctuation was supported by sanford v raikes (1816) in which Grant MR said at page: "it is from the words, and from the context, not from the punctuation, that the sense [of a will] must be collected ". Lord show of dunfirnline in Housten  v Burns (1918) said punctuation is a rational part of English composition , and is something quite significantly employed. I see no reason for deprivi...