PRE-SOCRATICS FINISHED SOCRATES, PLATO: Socrates left behind no writing, and there is hardly a single sentence ascribed to him that we can be sure was his own utterance rather than a literary creation of one of his admirers. His students, Xenophon’s and Plato’s major concern in his memoirs was to exonerate Socrates from the charges made against him at his trial, and to show that his life was such that conservative Athenians should have revered him rather than condemned him to death. The search for definitions serves different purposes in different dialogues: 1. A definition of justice is sought in Republic in order to determine whether justice benefits its possessor, and a definition of piety is sought in the Euthyphro in order to settle a particular difficult case of conscience. 2. Plato’s Socrates does not claim to have a watertight definition of techne, or craft; but over and over again he ...